Interesting Facts About Washington Copperhead Snakes You Didn't Know!

Copperhead, also known as water moccasin, red oak, and chunk head, are medium-sized venomous snake that can reach a length of up to 37 inches. Nonetheless, there are records that the copperhead reached at least 1 meter. Compared to the other snake species, the male snakes are generally larger than the females. It has a muscular and stout body frame and a head that is broad that is not proportionate on its neck.

Behavior of the Everett Copperhead Snake

Similar with the pit vipers, the Washington Copperhead is an ambush hunter. They will first look for a specific location and will wait patiently until a prey come across their location. However, there are still instances when they will become active hunters especially when they are looking for caterpillars and cicadas. When actively pursuing their prey, they can climb trees and they are also adept swimmers. They are nocturnal creatures but they will also be active during daytime especially during the spring and the fall season. Once the winter season hits, they will be hibernating in their communal den together with the other copperheads, rat snakes, and rattlesnakes.


Copperhead has different subspecies such as the Northern Copperhead that is located in the US. They can be found in Massachusetts, northern section of Alabama, southern Illinois, and at the extreme north-eastern portion of Mississippi. The southern Copperhead is also a renowned subspecies that is located primarily in the eastern region of Texas and the southeastern portion of Oklahoma. Trans-Pecos and Osage Copperhead are categorized in the same taxonomy. 


The Washington copperhead loves the taste of small mammals such as rodents. They are playing a key role in keeping the population of the Everett mice under control. They will also eat birds, salamander, frogs, snakes, lizards, and the giant insects. The young ones will mostly eat insect using their behavior known as caudal luring. When attacking a larger prey, the copperhead will bite the victim and release its deadly venom. For the smaller prey, they will restrain them using their mouth until it dies.


4 years after their birth, the Washington copperhead will reach their sexual maturity. Breeding season will start in February-March and the second will be on August-October. However, copperhead will not mate every year. There are times that they will produce their young and will skip several years before they mate again. When the males are courting the receptive female, they may go through a ritualistic combat to determine dominance. Copperheads are known to be ovoviviparous, which means that the eggs are being incubated inside the womb of the mother snake. 

The eastern portion of the US provides an ideal habitat for the Everett Copperhead. Nevertheless, they still suffered from a decline in their population due to numerous factors. Some of these factors include the human destruction, habitat loss, and others. Based on the report, most of the venomous snakes’ bites in the US are caused by the Copperhead. Their venom is considered mild and will not be fatal to adult human.

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